Marathon Life

Monday, September 17, 2007

Tough long run

On Saturday, 9/15. I ended up running at least 12 or 12.5 miles in 1:36, which is a lot slower for me. I think I barely held on to 7:30 pace. I ran in the heat of the day at 11:30AM since I got up at 9AM. I was up until 3AM the previous night. I am not really happy when I go to bed after 1AM. It screws with my body chemistry so everything felt off. I was so thirsty and ran through my 4 Fuel Belt bottles quickly. The water had gotten warm so it wasn't even refreshing to drink them. The temps were in the mid-70s but since the sun was strong it felt hotter.

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posted by Anthony at 10:09 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New RnR photo/Update on my running

Here is my official photo I ended up buying from the Rock n Roll Marathon that took place June 3. The other photo was one I pulled from the photo ordering site before I purchased. Wow, time has really gone by. It has been over three months.

I did not get to run the America's Finest City Half Marathon on Aug. 20 since it was sold out back in early July when I went to sign up. This is the first time they sold out so early. Usually I register within 2 weeks. I can't commit that early since I may have injuries. So now I have been keeping a base mileage since June. I upped it a bit lately since I now will most likely run the Long Beach Half Marathon on Oct. 14. I dread it a bit, but I need to do something long this fall so I don't get out of shape for the Boston Marathon next April. I will be doing that one for the 5th time. Hopefully I will not be injured this time.

I have been playing tennis once a week lately. I get really, really sore from tennis that it affects my running. I wish I could do both. When I start marathon training I cannot play tennis. It just affects me too much. Now, I can get away with playing once a week. I used to play in college so I missed it. The US Open had been on the last 2 weeks so I got inspired to play again. I am certainly rusty.

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posted by Anthony at 11:06 AM 0 comments

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