Marathon Life

Monday, November 30, 2009

Running tally ending Dec 6 and Dec 13, 2009

The Physical Therapy is still happening and I think it's improving how my hamstring feels on the runs. I am more sore but I believe this is a good sign. We are finally getting into the scar tissue and smoothing it out. I don't have that tickling sensation as much in my hamstring. I think with a few more sessions it will be cleared up. I am focusing on stretching it out a lot BEFORE and AFTER my runs.

Still, I have not made any decisions as to what marathon I will run in 2010 (if any at all). Part of me is thinking just to wait until June to do San Diego's Rock n Roll. I know the course, have run it twice and it's the last one I ran. I will have to defend the 2:57 time I posted in 2007. It's going to be tough to do that. This will allow me to not rush through any marathons earlier in the year. I can take my time with gearing back up. It's just difficult to stay motivated right now. I have lost my competitive spirit. I am realizing that running isn't as important is it once was. It's kind of sad actually. I miss that "fire" I used to have inside of me. It's still there, but not as strong. It's more like a camp fire burning its last log. It's orange glow is slowly fading away into the night.

Here is what I did for the week ending Dec 6.

Min/ Mile
HR Max
HR Ave
Nov 30, 2009


While still in the Boston area I ran in the cold. It was probably about 45, windy and slightly misting.


Dec 2, 2009


I actually ran after traveling back to California. I was so tired but I put myself through this run.
 165 (88%)

146 (78%)

Dec 5, 2009
I did a longer run. I was attempting to do 8 miles but felt better so I went longer. I ran from my place up through the Balboa Peninsula to about the Balboa Pier, then reversed direction. It was sunny and perfect running temps in the upper 50s and low 60s.
151 (81%)
Dec 6, 2009
Just a shorter recovery run around LA (Highland Park area) where I was staying since I had to fly out in the morning.

Week ending Dec 6, 2009


I barely ran 4 days this week. Traveling home from Mass killed some of it. It was too cold for me to even run outside one of the days so I just rested. I was happy to get a double-digit run in though.

Here is what I did week ending Dec 13.

Min/ Mile
HR Max
HR Ave
Dec 8, 2009
Just a quick run around the neighborhood. I wasn't feeling great.

Dec 9, 2009


I ran on the treadmill at the gym while in Boston for work. It was so cold outside I just didn't want to deal.


Dec 12, 2009


I just barely got this run done in between the rain storms we were having here in SoCal. Luckily I chose the perfect time to run (12:15pm) and the skies even opened up with some sun. I ran up through the Balboa Peninsula to the end. I looked at The Wedge and then turned around. I wanted to see how far it was to the end. It was about 5-something miles. 
Dec 13, 2009
I ran to the gym about 11 min and then ran a little over a mile after the gym


Week ending Dec 13, 2009


With the work travel I just didn't have enough time to run a lot this week. I was lucky to get in the 11-miler on Sat as I was not really in the mood to do anything long. My left knee hurt during and after but not too bad. These concrete streets really take a lot out of my body.

153 (82%)

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posted by Anthony at 11:15 AM 0 comments

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back to Boston, 15 year reunion and running

My 15 year high school was last night. It was strange to see everyone after all this time. When I lived in Somerville (Davis Sq area) after college I really didn't see anyone from my high school. I was removed enough. I did go to my 5 year reunion in 1999 though. That was a small gathering at a hole in the wall bar somewhere downtown. This reunion was more organized at a function hall called Mosley's located on the Boston line in Dedham (my hometown). It was good to see everyone, but I wish more people would have shown up. Some I definitely wanted to see. (photo on right is Kerry, Danielle and I with Ms. Clement our 5th grade teacher).

I just couldn't really identify with many people there. I'm not raising a family and I don't have kids. I think being the only gay person in my entire graduating class (or at least at the reunion) has made me feel this way. I was never an outcast in high school. I wasn't really picked on. I was athletic and the captain of the tennis team. I sort of blended in. I'm sure people had their suspicions though.

As I progressed through my 20s, something inside of me wanted me to leave and go very far away. I had an overwhelming urge to do this once things in my professional and personal life just weren't sitting with me well.. I never had the desire to stay close to where my family lives for various reasons. Maybe if my upbringing were a bit different I would never have moved. I couldn't picture myself living in the same place for my entire life. Some people are content with that. There's certainly nothing wrong with that, but it just feels so foreign to me. I think people like to put themselves in very comfortable surroundings and I can see why. I needed to branch out, see other areas of this country. I really loved California since the first time I visited on a work trip in 2001. I fell in love. I told myself then that I would move someday and I did. I never looked back.

I feel down today though. Maybe it's because of the weather. I have realized that Southern California has changed me. It has spoiled me. But it's just not the weather. It's so much more than that. Being back in Mass has made me reflect on my life. I've realized that I have never really followed my passion in a professional sense. With the marathon running I have followed my passion. I set goals, achieved them and feel at peace.

My career is not where I want it to be right now.  I've never stuck around at a job long enough to really get into a higher level at the position. Since 1999 I've had 8 full-time positions. That wasn't a misprint. Now, I wouldn't say I am your typical Generation X job hopper, who is always discontented with job after job. There have been various reasons why I didn't stay at each job. I've only been laid off once (this year), so basically I have quit 6 jobs. Some I quit just to escape an impending layoff. So I was perceptive enough to read the writing on the wall. Others I quit simply because I just wasn't interested in that particular job (insurance, inside sales, journalism).

It took me a while to realize that I want to work in marketing. But am I truly happy? Some days I feel ok with everything. Other days, I just want to drop everything an open a chocolate or gelato cafe. I think it's in my blood that I have always wanted to work for myself. My dad ran his own business for 20+ years before he died.

I'm in Boston until Dec 2. I decided to come home for two reasons. First, I was FORCED to take vacation time at work. We can't carry over our PTO (Paid Time Off) to 2010 due to cost saving measures at my company. I guess it's better than taking a pay cut or being laid off. So I was able to book a free trip with my American Advantage miles.

This is the first time since I moved away in 2004 that I have been to Boston during a cold time of year.  Boston has crappy weather most of the year if you count heat, humidity and rain, in addition to the cold, snow and ice of the winter months. Anyway, Friday felt like Seattle with cold, windy and rainy conditions. Yesterday was colder, drier and windy and I went running 6 miles. It was a struggle to keep a decent pace of 7:05 per mile. Dead brown leaves everywhere with broken branches all over the streets. Nothing is green. Green makes Anthony happy. Brown does not.   

My mom and I drove down to Cape Cod on Thanksgiving evening, directly after I flew into Logan. I do enjoy the townhouse condo in West Yarmouth and have fond memories . We had great summers here as kids. My parents bought the place in the summer of 1980. It's depressing to be there in the winter months since many places are seasonal and closed from mid-Sept to mid-May. It's a ghost town.

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posted by Anthony at 7:01 PM 0 comments

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Am I too old for marathons? Run tally ending Nov 15, 2009

I'm finally posting last week almost a week late. I believe my long distance running days are slowly fading away due to my age (almost 34) and just overall wear and tear on my body over the last 10 years. I started running longer distances in 2000. Nathan, if you are reading this, you were totally right. He said my knees would eventually go out on me. I feel them slipping away slowly, one by one. I have developed pain in my left knee. The same leg as my hamstring issue.

I thought I was supposed get better with age in regard to long distance running. Some of the greatest marathon champions are in their 30s. Even the Women's 2008 Olympic Marathon champion Constantina Dita won her gold medal at age 38! I know many runners in their 30s, 40s and 50s even who thrive and have faster marathon times than me. Ughh. I guess I am not as resilient as I thought I was.

The more and more I fight it, the harder it is to maintain the same level of training. I've been struggling with my hamstring injury since December 2007. Yes, almost 2 years ago. I went back to physical therapy again this week. Basically the injury has healed but left scar tissue deep inside it that needs to be smoothed out. I already knew this. So I was able to get it worked on and it was painful. She dug deep in there and got to the problem area using her elbows and fingers. We also did some other stretching and strengthening exercises.

I feel this PT is so much more effective compared to the PT at Mercy Hospital last year. They never really touched/massaged my injured area. Sports medicine PT is so much better for me. I wish I had realized this in 2008 when I just picked the closest PT place near my home. I should have specified a sports medicine facility. We'll see how it goes. I will go once per week. In the mean time, I have cut down some of my mileage and won't do any long stuff (more than 8 miles in a single run) for at least another few weeks.

Below is what I did before last Sunday, Nov 15.

Min/ Mile
HR Max
HR Ave
Nov 10, 2009
My knees were ok. I didn't run for 2 days so I had more energy on this run.


Nov 11, 2009


I ran to the gym, 0.64, then did 2.23 on the treadmill and then 0.64 back. I also did upper body weights. I HATE the treadmills they ys
Nov 13, 2009
I ran outside around my neighborhood. I should have run more, like 12-13 but my body wasn't feeling it. I just ache too much. I ran mostly on concrete. That's the problem. How am I going to do a marathon that is mostly on concrete? I have to adapt my body.
155 (83%)
Nov 14, 2009
I ran outside at night around my neighborhood. Sometimes I smell burning rubber and other chemicals in the air. It sucks that there are some industrial factories nearby that emit this pollution! I ran faster than normal since I just wanted it over with.
Week ending Nov 15, 2009


I had to decrease this week a little. My body wasn't feeling great. I don't know if a marathon is even possible this winter. Next week I'll cut down again then I will decide what I will do in terms of the marathon.

152.6 (82%)

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posted by Anthony at 2:29 PM 0 comments

Friday, November 13, 2009

Running tally ending Nov 8, 2009

I'm so late posting this. Last week was ok. I had to cut back since my knee was killing me. I ended up needing new SuperFeet inserts, so I got those over the weekend.So far this week the knee pain seems little better. I went to the orthopedic doctor for my on-going hamstring issue, but basically we took an x-ray on my knee and discovered I have a bipartite patella. That basically means that one of my knee caps is two bones. It occurs in 1% of the population. The knee pain is not caused by this, but just from upping my mileage and my body is not used to it. He said the new Superfeet inserts will help and keep my knee aligned.

Below is what I did last week, ending on Sunday.

Min/ Mile
HR Max
HR Ave
Nov 2, 2009
I ran to and from the gym while and then did elliptical and some weights.
Nov 3, 2009


I ran on the treadmill and then ran home.


Nov 4, 2009
I ran outside. My knee was hurting. 
145 (78%)
Nov 6, 2009
I ran to the gym, did a little over 4 miles and then ran back. It's 0.6 miles each way to the gym. The treadmills at the gym read too fast since my Nike+ read about 20 second per mile slower. I felt like I was going faster. I don't know what to believe anymore.
Nov 7, 2009


I ran from my place down to through some dirt trail along the Santa Ana River, which has bike paths. Then I ran up little on PCH and then back the way I came. I felt ok, but my left knee was hurting. It wasn't all on dirt, I had to run concrete some.
157 (84%)
Week ending Nov 8, 2009


Not a great week, but just ok. I had to cut down due to my knee pain. Got new Superfeet inserts so we will see how it goes next week.

148.5 (79%)


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posted by Anthony at 10:03 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Running tally ending Nov 1, 2009

I'm struggling and I don't know when I am going to get out of this funk. My body is simply not cooperating lately. I have had to really go through a lot of pain during my runs. My hamstring isn't feeling the greatest. It's also, my overall body just isn't feeling the greatest. I have questioned the logic in training for another marathon multiple times this week. Maybe my marathoning days are over. I have done 10 since 2001. Is this it? I am through? I don't want to stop it completely.

I honestly think I have a few more great marathons left in me, but my motivation is diminishing. My heart isn't as into it as it once was. I have achieved my main 2 goals with the marathon: 1.  Run a qualifying time for Boston Marathon (check, done it 6 times now) and 2. Run a marathon in under 3 hours (check, done it twice now). So now what? What should be my goal? I am too competitive with myself to run a sub-par time. I don't want to go through all the months of training only to be disappointed come race day.

The bottom line is this: I don't feel comfortable on my runs now. It all feels like such a struggle each time I hit the road. What is wrong? When will I feel better? It may have to do with diet. I am trying to consume more protein. I don't think I get enough. I also don't drink enough fluids throughout the day. Today I drank more and felt better on my 5-miler. We'll see.

Below is what I did last week, ending on Sunday.

Min/ Mile
HR Max
HR Ave
Oct 26, 2009
I ran to and from the gym while and then did elliptical and some weights.
Oct 28, 2009


I ran in the Bay Bay area at night. I didn't feel too good. HR monitor didn't work since I had no water to wet the sensors.
Oct 29, 2009
I ran on the treadmill at the gym. My calves were all sore and I didn't feel great. The pace on the treadmill was off too. It wouldn't speed up to what I wanted it to do. The machines at 24 Hour suck. I have been on better treadmills than these.
148 (79%)
Oct 30, 2009
I ran around my neighborhood here. I wasn't going to do more than 3 but felt like I had energy. I need to conserve for my long run tomorrow. 
Oct 31, 2009


I ran from my place down to Pacific Highway all the way up a mile past the Huntington Beach Pier and then reversed direction. It was about 6.9 miles up. I started at 10:30am, which was way too late on this warm Saturday. The sun was shining hard and by the middle of the run I had run out of energy. I had my Fuel Belt and used EmergenC in two of the bottles to get extra electrolytes. It wasn't enough. I got this wave of fatigue at about 8 miles into it. I barely hung on. When I got to the bottom of the hill back to my apt (with another 1.3 to go) I just stopped.
157 (84%)
Oct 31, 2009
After 5 min of walking to recover I ended up running slowly the rest of the way home. My body was trashed from the 13+ miles. Not a good feeling. 

Nov 1, 2009
I ran to and from the gym. Body very sore.
Week ending Oct 25, 2009


Identical to last week's total. Not sure how I feel. I am tired and sore. It took several days to get over my long run.

149.3 (80%)


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posted by Anthony at 10:45 PM 0 comments

Maine, you disappoint me

I'm shocked. I'm shocked that once again, basic rights are taken away from people. For those who don't know, last night (or early this morning), Maine voted to repeal a law that would have allowed same-sex marriage in the state. You can read a Washington Post article or the NY Times one for all the details. It never even became a law since it was put on hold pending the election. I had a feeling that if left to popular vote, voters would not allow the law to stand. And do you know why? It's because there are still many people in this country who are bigots and ignorant when it comes to gay people. They actually believe that being gay is a "sickness" that it's a "choice." Why would I choose to not have basic rights? Why would I choose to be discriminated against on a daily basis? Why would I choose to be hated? People are born gay and the world needs to accept this fact. I'm sick of hearing these religious nutcases talk about how we are "unnatural" and "freaks". I am sick of being made to feel subhuman.

It doesn't make sense. Lies during this campaign were passed off as the truths by gay marriage opponents. No, if the law were to stand, children were not going to be taught about homosexuals in school. Why does that always put people over the edge anyway? Why are people so threatened by gay marriage anyway? It will not affect their lives. The world will not end. In fact, it will boost most economies if it were legalized. More weddings translates to more caterers, cakes and flowers sold, venues booked, wait staff and photographers hired, dresses sold, tuxes rented, hotels booked, flights and honeymoons reserved, etc, etc, etc. Unfortunately, the same misleading statements have been spewed out in Maine as they were in California.

At the root, the older generation of Maine's population and rural populations really killed this law. Now, I'm not saying that all people in an older generation are anti-gay, but a good amount of them are. Take those people out of the equation and we wouldn't have a problem today. Most younger generations are accepting of gays. Numerous surveys and studies have documented this. Just look around at people in their 20s and 30s. Most have gay friends and don't have an issue with it. Many don't vote with ignorance, but unfortunately many also don't vote. And that's the source of this issue. Until the majority of the younger generation gets out and vote, we are going to be continually disappointed come the day after election day. Our supporters aren't voting.

Some day we're all going to look back at this and see how hard we had to struggle to finally achieve equality. Maybe by the time I'm 50 I'll be able to marry my partner legally in this country. Let's see... I only have another 17 years or so. I don't want to wait that long. Maybe I'll emigrate to Canada eventually since it's legal there country-wide. I did have a small window of time here in California last year. I should have seized that opportunity. I know many who did. I am very happy for them, but I am sad for the millions of those who never got the chance.

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posted by Anthony at 9:40 PM 0 comments

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