Marathon Life

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Blog from the Past - Sept 22, 2001

Well, since Nirit had mentioned she recalls my blog entry about Ewan McGregor, I was so curious about what I actually had written. I vaguely remember writing that entry, but knew it was at least 9-10 years ago. His movie Moulin Rouge! came out in 2001 so that narrowed it down and I found the archive file. I had completely forgot that I saw it on an airplane to San Francisco from Boston (when I lived there still), just a few short weeks after 9/11.

Wow, just reading my perspective back then compared to now is fascinating. I was much more open and confessional. I guess I had nothing to hide, nothing to protect and didn't worry about people finding the blog online. Blogs weren't even called blogs then.  The comparisons of the Anthony of 2001 to the Anthony of 2010 are so interesting. Back then, I also was so unhappy with my career and job. I felt it in my core. I was at pivotal moment in my life. If I had decided to follow my passions back then, who knows where I would be today? So here it is, in its entirety. I think I will start posting old entries every now and then and reanalyze myself. Enjoy!

Dreamy Ewan McGregor
Sept 22, 2001-  Well I made it to San Fran safe and sound.  It did take an hour to even get my boarding pass.  I cut in front of someone not paying attention rather than going to the end of the endless line.  I got to the damn airport at 7AM and there were a shitload of people there.  I was amazed.  I had no idea there would be so many that early on a Sat morning.  The security check was yet another long line but it only took 15 min to get through.  There were armed military people at the metal detectors.  What a change.  The flight went ok.  I wasn't the nervous at all really.

On the plane though, I started to get all emotional inside.  They showed the movie "Moulin Rouge!"  Anyway, I was half paying attention but certain parts reminded me of the absence of love in my life.  Ewan McGregor sang love songs and it just really made me feel sad inside.  I feel like I'm missing out on so much.  There is a part of me inside that wants to love so much but I can't.  I'm left with emotions inside me that go absolutely nowhere.  I don't have anyone to love.  I'm not even searching for it.  I'm not even trying.  Why should I try though?  Shouldn't it just happen like magic - like in the movies?  I'm too idealistic.  I want my love life to develop just like it does in Hollywood.  Or sometimes I feel I'm too realistic.  I'm both?  It's a problem.

In the beginning of the movie, Ewan McGregor said he did not know what it was like to be in love.  He reminded me of myself and the past statements I have made.  He did an exceptional job in this movie.  I never realized just how attractive he was (or what a great voice he had - if that was him really singing).  I guess he looks a lot better with darker hair.  There was something about his eyes that captivated me.  I found myself just waiting for the close ups.   I found myself just waiting for him to sing another love song and I imagined he was singing those songs to me.  I was imaging that there was someone out there for me to love.  I imagined that love was not dead in my life.  It just really affected me.   I actually almost started to cry. 

Then I thought about my professional life.  I thought about my job and where it was going.  I thought about how I have been increasingly frustrated at work.  I haven't been the happiest, but this job has opened many more doors for me.  I have gained a lot of skills but I'm not sure it's what I wanted to do.  It's the best post-college job I have had so far, but I don't feel passionate.  I need something to drive me.  I FEEL passionate about music.  I want music to be a part of my life somehow.  I want to learn how to play music and write music.  I have been practicing on my guitar now for a month or so.  I have learned a lot on my own and will be taking private lessons in less than 2 weeks.  I've started the process.  I know I'll never put out a CD.  All I want to do is play my favorite songs and also maybe write some.  That's a long way away, but like all things it takes time. 

For a job that involves music I was thinking I could do some marketing/PR for some small record labels or artists.  It's something I would feel passionate about.  It's something that won't pay much at all but maybe it's what I need right now.  I need passion and it's lacking.  I need to feel validated in the workplace.  I am feeling more like an outsider at work.  The feeling is increasing everyday.  I feel pressure.  I feel I'm looked down upon.  That's why my manager quit - she felt she never got enough credit and was taken for granted.  I feel I'm filling her shoes.  I have to stop this before it gets out of control.  It's not bad now.  Don't get me wrong.  I think I perceive things differently than they actually are.  I need to work on that.  Something is off.  I think it boils down to my passion for the job itself.  It's somewhat dying.


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posted by Anthony at 12:03 AM 1 comments

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas and my birthday

So I have been nagging my friend Nirit to write a blog entry, while I have yet to write my own since Dec 12. The goal was both of us were going to write one on the same day, today, on Christmas. I really enjoy reading her entries, as she tends to write in a similar, confessional tone. I especially enjoyed reading hers today as I felt she wrote it from the core.

Nathan's Red Velvet brownies made their debut!
Nirit and her sister Elia are visiting from Phoenix. They haven't been here in 3.5 years so it's a treat to spend Christmas with them. Today we went to see the movie "I Love You Phillip Morris" with Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor. It was really good, but really sad and really funny in other parts. Ewan is my ultimate physical type. I love his very Scottish looks with the freckles and the reddish/blond hair. In this movie he looked golden almost. *Sigh* They definitely added highlights to his hair.

I had never really been into Ewan until I saw the movie "Moulin Rouge". In that movie he was singing and dancing and had dyed black hair. I guess I just developed my crush back then. Nirit told me today she remembers an old blog entry of mine where I describe that I pretended that he was singing to me instead of Nicole Kidman in the film.
I love my red velvet cake!

The 35th birthday party I threw last weekend for myself went really well. I was really worried there was going to be too many people in the condo. Some people didn't show up, but for the most part everyone who RSVP'd came. I think there were about 30 people at one point, but some people were talking outside so they all weren't in my place at one time.  It was nice to finally have people over when most of it was in an acceptable condition. I still need new carpet in the bedrooms and a dresser and end tables, but I am relatively happy.

Although after all the rain we have had in the past week (6 straight days of rain), there is now some leaking along the wall above my fireplace. That really stresses me out. I have no control over the situation and it just really upsets me. I am worried it will cost thousands of dollars. What if the dry wall is ruined? What if there is moisture inside somewhere I can't see? Ugggh, I am trying not to obsess but since it's a holiday weekend it won't be resolved until next week most likely.

Back to the party, Jason got me a delicious red velvet cake. We got it at a local bakery/coffee house called Twiggs. I also made red velvet cupcakes from scratch along with cream cheese frosting. Upon my request my friend Nathan made red velvet brownies! They were so good. He had been experimenting for weeks and finally felt the recipe was ready. He was supposed to ship them to me Fed Ex 3-day so it wouldn't cost a fortune, but he had no access to a kitchen to bake them until 2 days before the party, so $70 later, I got them delivered to my office on the Friday before the party. I was shocked they cost that much to ship and felt bad Nathan had to spend the money. Well, it was for a good cause and everyone ate them up. I had no leftovers for that dish!

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posted by Anthony at 11:31 PM 0 comments

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Birthday party

I am determined to write more posts in December than I did in November! I did make more of an effort in Nov, but I really need to work on it. I have ideas in my head and then I am too lazy or tired. Excuses.

Wow, so I posted around Thanksgiving that I was sick. Well, the cold or whatever I had took a little over 2 weeks to completely go away. I cannot recall a cold that has ever lasted that long. Going running during this stretch of time probably didn't help matters, but I felt ok to run. Now I finally feel healthy again. I am still blowing my nose occasionally but it is very minor. And at least it's clear in its color.

Nathan's Red Velvet Brownies
My 35th birthday is coming up on Dec 20. I really don't like these 30-something birthdays. I used to think 30 is old. Now 35?? I decided to throw myself a holiday/bday party. I have 28 RSVPs so far. I have no clue how I will fit everyone into my 800 sq ft condo. I hope people come and go. Then it will be manageable. My friend Nathan Noland is a pastry chef from NYC, and upon my request, he is mailing me red velvet brownies for my party. Since there is such a red velvet cake and cup cake craze right now, I wanted to have something different. Although I am actually going to make green velvet cupcakes (I just bought the food coloring today!), this will be a nice addition to all the other sweets. I am asking people to bring cupcakes to exchange with one another. It's a Cupcake Exchange. So far I only have 4 people who signed up on that for the Evite.

Due to my severe cold, I didn't run as much as I had planned to. I have decided NOT to run the Carlsbad Marathon on January 23. It's too soon to me to be ready to run that kind of distance. I have only done a few 8-milers in the past month. I really should be up to 16, 17 miles by now. Anyway, the marathon has sold out so I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. Then I could do the Los Angeles Marathon on March 20. Still, it presents a logistical issue in that I would have to find a place to stay in LA or deal with getting a hotel, parking, etc, etc. So... it looks like I will aim for the San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon on June 5 next year. It will give me time to get my ass in gear. Why rush it?

I still debate the logic of running another marathon. I have done 10 so far and have achieved my marathon running goals. At my advanced age, it seems very difficult to get my body in the kind of shape I need to be in order to beat by fastest time of 2:57 (set in 2007). I am at peace with this. I will try to run that fast, but my hamstrings still ache on every run. At least my lower back is not an issue any longer, thanks to a better seat at work. I will see how the next few months go. I am not committing to anything. I will base train, do a few 10, 12 milers until early Feb. That is when I need to decide if I will start a more formalized training program.

This past weekend I worked 2 catering events. I really didn't want to since I had 2 parties of my own I wanted to attend on Saturday night. Still, the logical, money-conscious (CHEAP) Anthony decided he wanted to have some extra money for household purchases. One event was a surprise birthday at the club house of a very expensive housing community in Rancho Santa Fe, a suburban area of San Diego County. I had never really been to that area before. I will never have that much money. The homes were simply amazing, on tops of steep hills. I actually heard coyote howl during the night. The other event was this afternoon at this huge mansion located on the La Jolla Shores cliffs. I only worked about 4 hours. It was a holiday party for the La Jolla Democratic Club.

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posted by Anthony at 10:29 PM 0 comments

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